Water War in Viet Nam by Dickey Chapelle, 196

Dickey Chapelle’s coverage on ‘Water War in Vietnam’, on the South Vietnamese Army gunboats being often shot from the Mekong river banks by Vietcong machine guns and snipers, appeared in the National Geographic after her death.

Helicopters over South Viet Nam by Dickey Chapelle, 1962

Dickey Chapelle arrived in Vietnam in the early ’60s, and described her early experiences in “What’s a Woman Doing Here?” On an assignment for National Geographic, she embedded with the helicopter units waging an aerial battle over Vietnam.

Discovery of Titanic, 1985-1987

Here are National Geographic’s coverage of the wreck of Titanic in the early years of its discovery in expeditions led by Robert Ballard.

Saving Madidi, 2000

In 1995, Bolivia agreed to establish 1.8 million hectares of cloud and tropical forest, lowlands and savannah as Madidi National Park. A National Geographic feature saved it from being flooded in 2000.

Honeyhunters by Eric Valli, 1988

Twice a year for nearly 12,000 years, men of Gurung tribe of central Nepal have braved the Himalayan foothills to harvest the honey of the world’s largest species of honeybees.