What We Are Fighting For – Picture Post, 1940

When this issue of Picture Post was printed in July 1940, WWII was well on its way, and not going well for Britain and her Allies. In late May, Belgium surrendered and Dunkirk was evaculated; one month later, France herself surrendered. The Battle of Britain had commenced and it seemed like the Nazi invasion of Britain itself was imminent.

Vietnam Heroico by Roberto Salas, 1967

In 1967, Roberto Salas working for the Cuban state organ, Revolución, spent several weeks in Vietnam to produce a special report for a magazine in Cuba.

Fall of Mussolini – Picture Post, 1943

No publication was happier about Il Duce’s fall from power than Picture Post. Its August 14, 1943 issue recapped the rule of Mussolini and labelled the titular “condemned man” as a gangster, agitator, revolutionary, and dictator.

Water War in Viet Nam by Dickey Chapelle, 196

Dickey Chapelle’s coverage on ‘Water War in Vietnam’, on the South Vietnamese Army gunboats being often shot from the Mekong river banks by Vietcong machine guns and snipers, appeared in the National Geographic after her death.

The Siege of Derry by Don McCullin, 1971

On the Sunday before Christmas 1971, in an edition filled with advertisements for Xmas gifts, the Sunday Times magazine published as its lead story a portfolio of 12 photographs about the escalating conflict in Northern Ireland.

Helicopters over South Viet Nam by Dickey Chapelle, 1962

Dickey Chapelle arrived in Vietnam in the early ’60s, and described her early experiences in “What’s a Woman Doing Here?” On an assignment for National Geographic, she embedded with the helicopter units waging an aerial battle over Vietnam.