James Joyce Marries


June 16th is celebrated around the world as Bloomsday, the date on which the seminal events in the novel Ulysses by James Joyce occurred. The day was significant because on June 16th 1904, he had his first romantic liaison (as wikipedia put it politely) with Nora Barnacle, the woman who would became his partner for next 27 years. They met in Dublin on June 10th in an episode only noted in an erotic correspondence Joyce had written to Nora years later. 

Although they had two children out of wedlock, after a few years the torrid relationship had dimmed. Nora began to see weakness, neurosis in Joyce. She hated his drinking and lavish spending. She, like many readers since, saw little sense in Joyce’s writings. Despite all these differences, the couple married 27 years after their first meeting; on July 4th 1931, the above picture was taken as the great Irish cynic and his parter marched towards the marriage maintain orchestrated to please Joyce’s dying father.   


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