Water War in Viet Nam by Dickey Chapelle, 196

Dickey Chapelle’s coverage on ‘Water War in Vietnam’, on the South Vietnamese Army gunboats being often shot from the Mekong river banks by Vietcong machine guns and snipers, appeared in the National Geographic after her death.

Helicopters over South Viet Nam by Dickey Chapelle, 1962

Dickey Chapelle arrived in Vietnam in the early ’60s, and described her early experiences in “What’s a Woman Doing Here?” On an assignment for National Geographic, she embedded with the helicopter units waging an aerial battle over Vietnam.

Execution of A Vietcong Guerilla, 1968

An officer of the Viet Cong was summarily executed in Saigon by General Nguyễn Ngọc Loan during the Tet Offensive in the Vietnam War. A photo won the 1969 Pulitzer Prize and helped galvanize the anti-war movement in the United States