The Soviet Mafia by Hans-Jürgen Burkard

Organized crime had been rampant in the dying Soviet Union for years, fueled by economic shortages and corruption. Around the time Burkard was documenting the Soviet mafia, there were up to 5,000 gangs plundering the state, and every 22 minutes a person was murdered.

Mikhail Gorbachev Resigns, 1991

Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev resigned, ending the USSR. The AP Moscow photo chief, Liu Heung Shing, was the only foreign photographer who captured the moment.

Chernobyl by Robert Gale, 1986

Dr. Robert Gale, a bone-marrow transplant expert from Bel Air became one of the first Westerners to witness the nuclear diaster at Chernobyl and a tool for the Soviet misinformation campaign.

Lenin and Stalin

. Even today, photographers who attempt to take pictures inside the mausoleum on the Red […]

de Gaulle in USSR

In July 1966, De Gaulle made an 11-day, 6,200 mile trip across Russia. Elliot Erwitt was the only American photographer covering de Gaulle’s visit.