What We Are Fighting For – Picture Post, 1940

When this issue of Picture Post was printed in July 1940, WWII was well on its way, and not going well for Britain and her Allies. In late May, Belgium surrendered and Dunkirk was evaculated; one month later, France herself surrendered. The Battle of Britain had commenced and it seemed like the Nazi invasion of Britain itself was imminent.

Kurt Waldheim

May 22, 1943. Podgorica, Yugoslavia. From left to right, Italian Cdmr. Escola Roncagli; Waldheim; German Col. Hans Herbert […]

Warschauer Kniefall

Willy Brandt’s gesture of penance in Warsaw in Dec 1970 signaled that rapproachment was on its way in central Europe 25 years after WWII. Within a few weeks, he was Time magazine’s ‘Man of the Year’ and the following year, he won the Nobel Peace Prize — the first German to be thus honored since 1935.