Dresden, 1945

Over 2 days in February 1945, 3,900 tons of explosives were dropped over Dresden. Thirteen square miles and 100,000+ civilians were annihilated. Richard Peter explored the city devastated by the firebombing.

Hitler’s Little Jig, 1940

On June 21, 1940, Hitler received France’s surrender in the same railroad car in which Germany had signed the 1918 armistice and danced.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

Travelogues tend to be disappoint. Instead of travelogues that tell gripping stories about both people […]

Paris Under Nazi Occupation by Andre Zucca, 1941

André Zucca was the only photographer to take colour photographs of Paris during the occupation. After working as a war correspondent for Paris Match and Paris Soir in 1939, he was requisitioned by the Germans to work for the propaganda magazine Signal.