What We Are Fighting For – Picture Post, 1940

When this issue of Picture Post was printed in July 1940, WWII was well on its way, and not going well for Britain and her Allies. In late May, Belgium surrendered and Dunkirk was evaculated; one month later, France herself surrendered. The Battle of Britain had commenced and it seemed like the Nazi invasion of Britain itself was imminent.

A Menorah in Germany, 1931

In 1931, Rosi Posner, wife of the last rabbi of Kiel took this photo of the family menorah from the window ledge of the family home looking out on to the building across the road decorated with Nazi flags.

Dunkirk Evacuation by Hugo Jaeger, 1940

From 1936 until the end of the WWII, Hugo Jaeger worked as a personal photographer for Adolf Hitler and took color photos. Here are his photos from Dunkirk.

Eichmann identified, 1960

In 1960, justice finally caught up with one of the most notorious war criminals. Adolf Eichman was abducted by the Israeli secret agents in Argentina in a covert operation and subsequently taken to Israel, where he stood trial for crimes against humanity. Here is the story of how photography was used to identify him.

Berlin Airlift by Henry Ries, 1948

Dozens of pilots dropped more than 21 tons of candy across Berlin and when the airlift ended, the United States, Britain, and France had flown 278,228 flights altogether to supply isolated West Berlin.