Dunkirk Evacuation by Hugo Jaeger, 1940

From 1936 until the end of the WWII, Hugo Jaeger worked as a personal photographer for Adolf Hitler and took color photos. Here are his photos from Dunkirk.

Dresden, 1945

Over 2 days in February 1945, 3,900 tons of explosives were dropped over Dresden. Thirteen square miles and 100,000+ civilians were annihilated. Richard Peter explored the city devastated by the firebombing.

Hitler’s Little Jig, 1940

On June 21, 1940, Hitler received France’s surrender in the same railroad car in which Germany had signed the 1918 armistice and danced.

Jesse Owens

Hitler used the 1936 Olympics as a propaganda tool, inadvertently creating the modern Games, complete […]

Hitler in 1914

The above photo showed Adolf Hitler in the huge crowd which heard the announcement of […]

The Man Who Never Was

Early morning on the 1st of May 1943, a Spanish fisherman discovered a corpse clothed […]