Siddhartha by Will McBride, 1969

When Twen serialized Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse’s novel of a man’s search for enlightenment, photographer Will McBride was asked to come up with the photos to accompany the serialization.

‘How America Lives’ by Ladies Home Journal

“How America Lives” series (HAL) reported on ‘typical’ families in detail: from how it raised its children, participated in community activities, and voted in elections to how it budgeted its money, made ends meet, and coped with crises such as illness and financial troubles. It hired established photographers to spend up to one week living with a family, collecting intimate snapshots.

The Trappists by Andre Kertesz, 1929

Such a look into the lives of the monks who took a vow of silence were rarely allowed, but Andre Kertesz was commissioned for a peek inside ‘the House of Silence’ of the Cistercians in Soligny-la-Trappe in Brittany.

Coronation of George V, 1911

George V’s coronation in 1911 had several ‘firsts’: the first to use the newly developed processional route through the Mall and Whitehall; the first to be followed by a thanksgiving service at St Paul’s Cathedral; the first with the iconic balcony appearance by the king — and most importantly, the first to be photographed from inside the abbey.