The Oka Face Down


The Oka Crisis, a land dispute between the Mohawk nation and the town of Oka, Quebec in 1990, provided Canada with a series of most iconic photos in her history. It also resulted in three deaths, and would be the first of a number of violent conflicts between Indigenous people and the Canadian Government in the late 20th century.

The photo taken by Shaney Komulainen of Pte. Patrick Cloutier, a perimeter sentry standing his ground against the verbal abuse of Mohawk Warrior Brad Larocque, a University of Saskatchewan economics student was one of the most iconic Canadian pictures. Shaney noted, “I was only 27 years old. I was painting the walls in my new apartment when I heard what was happening.” She, along with many other journalists and photographers, quickly traveled to the area. She “snuck through the woods” to the disputed area at the Sacred Pines and “was faced with the hostile showdown between soldiers and natives.”

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0 thoughts on “The Oka Face Down

  1. im native and why gig those white people come in our land why coudlent thay just leave us allone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I’m native; I have 4 university degrees ( NOT the watered down crap; legit degrees that I worked hard for. Because I’m not a treaty indian, I had to pay for this myself). I’m humiliated that fellow natives do not take on the responsibilities of full adults and full citizens. Many natives have ample opportunity for fully funded educations, including university degrees. When will they realize that education is the key to getting power in a country. (Real education, not a watered down crap program that you pretend is a degree). Take advantage of the multitudes of opportunities that are provided to you! Stop whining and stop being soi fing DEPENDANT!

    1. Totally agree with you northern native. Education is the key to free all poor people. Look as U.S slavery when the slaves learned to read,they read the Bible then the law ,and realized it was unjust. We must work together but I m all for self Gov t but I think we took a proud independant people ,and made them slaves of welfare system. Self reliance will bring back the pride, free your mind your ass will follow.

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