The Generals of the Daughters of the American Revolution


The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is a lineage-based membership organization of women, descended from the original founding fathers of the United States, from the signers of the Declaration of Independence to military veterans to privateers and refugees. Although it is frequently stated that DAR does not discriminate based on race or religion, and welcomes all women with a provable blood line to revolutionary ancestors, the organization was (not unfairly) accused of the elitism and class distinction–something the artist Grant Wood satirized in his 1932 painting. Even today, with their Washington connections and political clout, the DAR remains a powerful force, and the sole American organization that is vaguely reminiscent of the old world aristocracy.

In his picture, The Generals of the Daughters of the American Revolution taken at DAR Convention, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. on October 15, 1963, Richard Avedon captured this aloofness, snugness and elitism. Yet, their faces also reflected all the wars, all the soldiers, all the valor, all the glory, the sheer toughness. Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton and Franklin looked at us through these faces. 

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7 thoughts on “The Generals of the Daughters of the American Revolution

    1. I am a member of DAR & I think this photo is hysterically funny. Yup. These babes represent a cultural snapshot. DAR is very much NOT like this now.

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