The Duke of Rutland’s Hunt


The hunt party of the Duke of Rutland before the First World War at the Cottesmore Hunt. 1914. Soon, the war and the conscription would break the hunts and the aristocracy country life of England was changed forever. 

Leading the hunt was Henry Manners, 8th Duke of Rutland (1852-1925), the Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minster Lord Salisbury. He was nicknamed, ‘Salisbury’s Manners,’ for his rank. 

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0 thoughts on “The Duke of Rutland’s Hunt

  1. Any idea where this picture was sourced from (photo agency/archive)? I would like to get an original print of it. P

    1. this picture was appropriated from the tenth anniversary issue of LIFE magazine, somewhere around November December 1946. exact source unknown because the magazine in its earlier years, do not usually cite its sources.

      1. Thank you for the response. I will try and source (I assume it will be a UK photo agency at that time). The picture is actually of the Belvoir Hunt – not the Cottesmore. It’s taken at Croxton Park – famous for the a drunken race day followed by an episode of “painting the town red”( Interestingly, the property in the background (Croxton Park House) looks the same today, is still owned by the Belvoir Estate – and just come on the market for rental.

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