
Go Ye and Preach the Gospel: Five Do and Die by Cornell Capa, 1956

Intending to bring Christianity to the remote Auca tribe, five missionaries set out into the jungles in Ecuador. Their mission…

8 months ago

Siddhartha by Will McBride, 1969

When Twen serialized Siddhartha, Hermann Hesse's novel of a man’s search for enlightenment, photographer Will McBride was asked to come…

8 months ago

People are People the World Over, by Ladies Home Journal

John G. Morris, the respected journalist and photo-editor put together an essay depicting how the families across the world were…

8 months ago

‘How America Lives’ by Ladies Home Journal

"How America Lives" series (HAL) reported on 'typical' families in detail: from how it raised its children, participated in community…

8 months ago

Monsoon by Brian Brake, 1961

Brian Brake's photoessay Monsoon had rare honor of appearing in four major news weeklies (LIFE, Paris-Match, Epoca, Queen) over a…

8 months ago

The Trappists by Andre Kertesz, 1929

Such a look into the lives of the monks who took a vow of silence were rarely allowed, but Andre…

8 months ago

Marilyn’s Last Sitting, 1962

In July 1962, 2571 photographs were taken across three sessions by Bert Stern for Vogue. These are last studio photos…

9 months ago

Coronation of George V, 1911

George V's coronation in 1911 had several ‘firsts’: the first to use the newly developed processional route through the Mall…

1 year ago

Pedro Luis Raota

When he died early at the age of 52 in 1986, Pedro Luis Raota was already a celebrated photographer, both in…

7 years ago

Nelly | Greece

How do you memorialize someone like Nelly? On one hand, she was a pioneering woman photographer and her photos of…

7 years ago