
Rwanda by James Nachtwey, 1994

The Crisis in Rwanda intensified in 1994 with the Hutu tribes hunting down the members of the Tutsi tribe who had ruled them for centuries as feudal overlords. Between 500,000 and 1 million people were slaughtered in the span of three months using farm implements as weapons. It drove millions across the borders and internally displaced many.

However, with some international intervention, the Tutsi-ruled RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) came back to power. This in turn led many Hutus to flee into Zaire for the fear of reprisals: it was thought that more than one million people crossed the frontier in a single day. Many were trampled, and the survivors ended up in makeshift shelters on rocky, volcanic earth without clean water or proper sanitation.

James Nachtwey’s photos of Rwanda were published in Time Magazine on July 4, 1994 (International Edition).

Machetes have been a weapon of choice in Rwanda; an agricultural tool found in most Rwandan households, it was easily accessible. Many photos of machetes are taken in Rwanda, but none was as dramatic as Nachtwey photo above which was taken at the tailend of the conflict. The photo taken at the Rwandan-Zaire border, lacks the killers and victims. However, the sheer number of machetes in this pile–abandoned by the Hutus who fled across the border after the atrocities–overwhelms the viewer.  Without blood or gore, Nachtwey has shown as how much power an inanimate object can hold.


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  • I've always wondered about one thing? Just before the crisis, Hutu extremists put in an order for aprox. 518,000 machetes to top up the amount of cheap weapons available for the wholesale slaughter. Which company, from what country, filled that order? Does anyone know?

    • In The movie Hotel Rwanda says that many of those machetes were given by the ONU to the Hutus who were farmers mainly of coffee beans so they could use them in there daily chores...

  • Check out a book about the genocide. "we wish to inform you, you will be killed with your familes"

    Great book!

    Shane Cauley Cheyenne,WY

  • yes the information is very inaccurate and yes the west did use this false terms as a excuse not to do anything about the mass slaughters in rwanda. this event is something that make you not proud of being american. Turned out the strongest country was the weakest in this case.

    • Why is the US always charged with playing Robin Hood and referee in the global-conflict market? Rwandans couldn't control themselves, so the Americans should've been able to do so? People complain and point fingers when the US does nothing...they do the same -- if not worse -- when the US gets involved. Others need to learn to paddle their own canoes and stop depending on the Americans to interject themselves.

  • The use of the word tribe to describe either the Hutu or Tutsi is both clumsy and inaccurate, the misrepresentation of this as some kind of tribal conflit is exactly the reasoning used by the West to stand back and do nothing as the genocide continued. I understand that the focus of this page is iconic images, and not historical accuracy, but the perpetuation of the tribe myth clouds any further understanding of what caused one of the most brutal episodes in modern history, and therefore inhibits our ability to recognise and prevent any similar future catastrophes.

  • Actually the machetes were specially imported from China and distributed among the militiamen in advance.

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